Little things (like toilet paper) add up. That's the idea behind Ideal Bite, my Sweet Thing No. 29. It's a Web site that offers "bite-sized ideas for light green living."
Driving your SUV to the local organic market? (That's a paraphase on something the co-founders say a lot.) This site's for you. Non-judgmental, helpful, and funny to boot! You can visit the site daily at to get some great tips on making small and easy eco-friendly changes to your lifestyle. Or save yourself some hassle and subscribe to get a daily tip sent directly to your Inbox.
Tip categories include food & drink, work, play, travel, apparel, personal care, home & garden, money, kids, pets, technology, travel & transportation, and free stuff!
Get universal tips or tips customized for Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, or New York. I subscribe to the L.A. bite myself, and drool daily over all the cool organic restaurants and innovative businesses I'll get to support when I'm there because their practices support what I believe in.
Good ideas. Good laughs. Good for the environment.