Well, here he is. My goober, my boubah, my darling boy ... Shawn. The 4-year-old navigator of the Envirobuggy tour. Oh, yes. He will determine route (is it safe?), water breaks (and their consequences), detours ("of course we can go explore that"), and thus trip duration (but we are wrapping this up by July 15).
He's excited about the trip, and so am I. It's a wonderful way to continue on the parenting path that I've chosen, and which is my "No. 1 Sweet Thing," Attachment and Connection Parenting.
Everyone who knows me knows I LOVE being a Mommy. I love hanging out with my son, an amazing being who is so pure, connected, intelligent, and loving. I love that he has chosen me to help him on his journey, and I want to live up to that responsiblity. In order to do that, what do I need? Spiritual and personal growth. And that part of parenting has been just amazing.
There's a trilogy of books I would give every new parent on earth, every old parent, everyone contemplating becoming a parent, and everyone who's ever had a parent. Their titles (and subtitles) easily explain why I find attachment and connection parenting so important for children and adults alike.
1. Connection Parenting: Parenting through Connection Instead of Coercion, Through Love Instead of Fear, by Pam Leo.
2. Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves: Transforming Parent-Child Relationships from Reaction and Struggle to Freedom, Power and Joy, by Naomi Aldort, PhD
3. Playful Parenting: An exciting new approach to raising children that will help you: nuture close connections, solve behavior problems, encourage confidence, by Lawrence Cohen, PhD
This is great stuff, friends, so check out their books even before you have your first.